
Silver Zone Car Parks

Bristol Airport


Silver Zone Car Park Phase 2

Client: Bristol Airport

Silver Zone Phase 2 (Cogloop 2) is a new surface level car park for Bristol Airport. This is an extension of the existing Silver Zone Phase 1 (Cogloop 1) car park, which Encon also successfully delivered. Car parking areas were constructed utilising a geogrid cellular parking system. The landscape bund is designed to screen the car park extension, reduces the impact on the surrounding landscape and effects associated with light spill.

Planting along the bund creates new areas of habitats and foraging territory, for bats, and meadow planting along the interior slope of the bund provides a habitat for prey species. Other works included infiltration drainage, external lighting and mobile lighting required along with permanent ducting for future works.

Silver Zone Car Park Phase 1

Client: Bristol Airport

This project involved the construction of an extension to the existing Silverzone car park. The site was within the boundary of Bristol Airport on the landside to the south side of the runway adjacent to the existing Silverzone Car Park. It contained Badger Setts so involved careful environmental considerations and protection.

Bristol Airport is a fully functioning international airport with aircraft movements, associated airside and landside operational activities, passenger, public and staff movements occupying many areas directly adjacent to the works areas.

Removal of vegetation from a part of the south-eastern boundary of the development site up to within 10m of the closest active badger sett entrance using hand tools and hand machines.

Exclusion of badgers from Sett prior to the demolition of the former RAF aircraft pen. Removal of topsoil from the development site surface and re-use of this topsoil to create a new 300m long landscape bund along the western, southern and south- eastern perimeter of the development site.

This sat inside existing and retained perimeter hedgerows, was planted with shrubs and wildflower grassland so to be fully accessible to badger and other wildlife.

Construction of car park surfacing (asphalt and net pave) and installation of lighting, surface water infiltration drainage and perimeter security fence. Landscaping and planting works.

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